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SAVI ® – Having Conversations That Work

SAVI ® – System for Analyzing Verbal Interaction

SAVI is straightforward to understand, providing simple techniques for describing and mapping all aspects of a conversation. By studying this method, you learn to differentiate between the content of communication —WHAT you’re trying to say — and HOW it is said. SAVI enables you to clearly identify which behavior patterns strain relationships and which ones foster receptivity. It’s a constructive, nonjudgmental approach.

During this two-day introduction you will learn how to analyze communication patterns and identify problematic and productive patterns in yourself and others. In small groups you will practice intervening in unproductive discussions and fostering positive, satisfying conversations. You will leave the workshop with powerful skills that you can use right away.

  • Improve Decision Making
  • Resolve Conflict
  • Reach Understanding
  • Enrich Collaboration

— in couples and partnerships, teams and work groups, organizations and with oneself.

A Two-Day Introductory Workshop with

Claudia Bryam, PhD has worked with SAVI ® since 1975 and is a senior trainer in the SAVI ® Certification Program and an active clinician.

Ian Macnaughton, PhD, RCC, FEA is an active Family Business Advisor with a private practice and many years of teaching experience.  

When:     Thursday May 2 and Friday May 3, 2013, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Where:     Morris J Wosk Centre for Dialogue, 580 West Hastings St., Vancouver, B.C.

Fee:          $350 before April 7th; $375 thereafter

To register email Helena Robinson at

SAVI ® is the registered trademark of Anita Simon and Yvonne Agazarian.


Ian Macnaughton Recognized for Outstanding Achievement

Communication Problems -- and Solutions -- in a Nutshell